Born in Tokyo, October 12,1946
Bachelor of Science, Tokyo University of Science
Master of Science, Sophia University
Doctor of Science, Tokyo University of Science
Full-Time Employment
・Nippon Medical School, Department of Basic Sciences Associate Professor
・Tokai University, Professor
・Tokyo University of Science, Professor
・Tokai University, RIED, Professor
・Tokyo University of Science, Research Center for Math & Science Education,
Visiting Professor/Visiting Scientist
Malaya University, Malaysia / Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Nankai / University, Tianjin, China / Steklov Institute of Mathematics / Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand / Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo / Waseda University, Tokyo / Sophia University, Tokyo / AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories, USA / Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines / Shandong Normal University, Shandong China / Ryukyu University / Tsingtao University of Oceanography / Tsingtao, China / Academia Sincia, Beijing, China / University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo / The University of Michigan, USA
Awards, Prize, Honors
Japan Math Society, Book Prize, 2016 / Member, European Academy of Sciences for an outstanding contribution to Discrete mathematics, 2008 / Honorary Principal, Kyoto High School of Art 2006-2015 / Honorary Director, Okhotsk Mathematics Wonderland 2003-2006 / Japan Society of Mathematics Education for significant achievement in mathematics education 2003 / Tokyo University of Science, Bochan Prize for significant contribution to mathematical research 1999 / Surugadai Gakuen for outstanding teacher 1998 / Japan Essayist Club for one of the best essays of the year 1996 / Japan Association of Novelists for one of the best essays of the year 1993
・Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, editor
・Graphs and Combinatorics, Managing Editor,
Editor-in-Chief Founding Editor
・Journal of Graph Theory (Wiley) 1979-1997, editor
Born in Tokyo, October 12,1946
Bachelor of Science, Tokyo University of Science
Master of Science, Sophia University
Doctor of Science, Tokyo University of Science
Full-Time Employment
・Nippon Medical School, Department of Basic Sciences Associate Professor
・Tokai University, Professor
・Tokyo University of Science, Professor
・Tokai University, RIED, Professor
・Tokyo University of Science, Research Center for Math & Science Education,
Visiting Professor/Visiting Scientist
Malaya University, Malaysia / Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Nankai / University, Tianjin, China / Steklov Institute of Mathematics / Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand / Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo / Waseda University, Tokyo / Sophia University, Tokyo / AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories, USA / Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines / Shandong Normal University, Shandong China / Ryukyu University / Tsingtao University of Oceanography / Tsingtao, China / Academia Sincia, Beijing, China / University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo / The University of Michigan, USA
Awards, Prize, Honors
Japan Math Society, Book Prize, 2016 / Member, European Academy of Sciences for an outstanding contribution to Discrete mathematics, 2008 / Honorary Principal, Kyoto High School of Art 2006-2015 / Honorary Director, Okhotsk Mathematics Wonderland 2003-2006 / Japan Society of Mathematics Education for significant achievement in mathematics education 2003 / Tokyo University of Science, Bochan Prize for significant contribution to mathematical research 1999 / Surugadai Gakuen for outstanding teacher 1998 / Japan Essayist Club for one of the best essays of the year 1996 / Japan Association of Novelists for one of the best essays of the year 1993
・Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, editor
・Graphs and Combinatorics, Managing Editor,
Editor-in-Chief Founding Editor
・Journal of Graph Theory (Wiley) 1979-1997, editor